Selasa, 04 September 2012

Download Power Point B.Indo

--:> Download Power Point B.Indo , anda akan dialihkan ke X1 DB3 SHS Homework and Daily Tests :) kemudian anda cari Diskusi_B.indo dan Puisi lama_b.indo :D

Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

This Short Article Inspired Me :) Enjoy (y)

A respected but overly generous colleague wrote today, "you are definitely this century's father of intellegent training, Coach Sonnon."

I once complained to my teacher each new variation on a technique or a new combination I use to win a fight, other fighters instantly take and name their own with a different label.

He laughed and said, "Success has a thousand fathers. Failure is a bastard. Own your failures because no one else will want them and they're what give you the experience you need to win. Love the bastards and don't get swept up in paternity suits for what you occasionally get right."

Although my colleague flattered me with her generous opinion of my work, I must defend myself against my ego when I read statements like these.

It can be such a slippery slope to accept credit, complement or even respect. And like my coach advised, focusing upon all of the necessary, albeit unwanted, failures which lead to the infrequent successes not only keeps us humble. It keeps us growing.

As Thomas Edison reflected, “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

Very respectfully,

Scott Sonnon

Lexus ! :D

Nice Lexus isn't it ? I love this car ;)

Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

Independence Day ;)

MERDEKA ! HUT RI ke-67 kali ini di'barengkan' dengan hari Lebaran. Tapi itu tidak membuat kita rakyat Indonesia lupa bukan dengan hari merdeka kita ? I hope Indonesia MERDEKA dari Utang , MERDEKA dari kemiskinan , dan MERDEKA dari segala galanya ! dan menjadi yang terbaik ;) Perjuangan terus berlanjut hai para generasi muda ! ayo kita buat perjuangan para pahlawan kita tidak sia-sia ! #prayforIndonesia #oneheart .. I LOVE YOU INDONESIA ! Selamat Ulang Tahun Indonesiaku ~ -davine-

Unique velg !

what a unique velg ! nice one .. what do you think ?


Besok HUT RI ke-67 , apa yang akan kalian mau lakukan guys ? ;) freedom : kebebasan, merdeka. Tapi Indonesia kita belum merdeka dari kemiskinan , kriminal , korupsi , dll . Sebagai generasi selanjutnya, tentu kita harus melakukan sesuatu ! kita tidak bisa diam saja . sudah 67 tahun kita merdeka, kita bisa jadi negara yg maju . INDONESIA MERDEKA ! ayo generasi muda , kita buat Indonesia maju lewat karya'' kita ! -Davine-

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012